Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers

Division 781

BLET 401(k) Q & A


I was automatically enrolled in the BLET 401(k). Why?
Provision in the Pension Protection Act of 2006.

 Who is automatically enrolled in the BLET 401(k)?
Engineers on the roster that was not already enrolled and newly promoted engineers.

If automatically enrolled, how much is deducted?
3% of your earnings.

If automatically enrolled, what Fund am I enrolled in?
Merrill Lynch Retirement Preservation Trust.

If automatically enrolled, Can I opt out?
Yes, there is a ninety-day opt out provision in the Pension Protection Act of 2006. Contact Merrill Lynch BLET 401(k) Retirement Service Center at 800-229-9040, 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM ET

What happens if I get cut back to conductor?
Nothing, you’re still participating in the BLET 401(k) regardless of craft.

Can I roll over my other CSX 401(k) into the BLET 401(k)?

No, not at this time.

Want to change deduction amount and/or Stock(s) - Fund(s)?
Contact Merrill Lynch BLET 401(k) Retirement Service Center at 800-229-9040, 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM ET or

Have question about the BLET 401(k)?
Contact one of the following Merrill Lynch Financial Advisors at 800-845-3894 Paul Nowakowski, Michael W. Burns, or Michael H. Lopian

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