Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers

Division 781

4 miles of 02 decline on Loyall trips

On Loyall jobs (regular & extra) put a claim in for the 4 miles they are taking back under 02. This started back toward the first of the year. All efforts to get corrected hasn't worked yet but we need to put in as a claim to purse.

Code: 97

Date: make on the date you are submitting (unless less than 60 days).

Amount: Add miles or money in amount that will work on claim (may have to submit more than one claim, be sure ifthat happens do on different date).

Text: claiming code 97 account decline of 4 miles 02 on trip to Loyall, KY (if more than one trip explain totalof how many trips). Claim as per CRR/BLE Labor Agreement 1-73-91 Art. 16 Side Letter No.2 G-125-L&N-CRR-SOU CG/13 and BLE National Agreement (458 Award) Art. VI section 1 pg 10 ( examples pg 39 No.1).

Sorry we haven't got this straighten out!!!

Matt Thornton


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